This week’s Homework:
Reading: Each night your child is expected to read for 20 minutes (this can be silent reading or have your child read aloud to someone). They are also expected to fill out a nightly reading log. The reading log will be handed in each day this week to help develop this routine. Once this routine is established, reading logs will be due on Fridays.
Writing: Monday night students will decorate their Writer’s Notebook and bring it into school on Tuesday. Other writing homework this week will be making jots in their Writer’s Notebook. Writing Notebooks travel to and from school each night there is writing homework.
Math: This is our first Math Challenge of the Week – your child will have a couple of problems to choose from and do at home. They must do the problem, show and write how they did it with words and a drawing (or graph, etc.), and write a reflection. This is due on Thursday. I attached a Grading Rubric with the homework. This Rubric is to show how the math homework will be graded. Maureen will fill this out.
To help your child get used to a weekly Math assignment, he or she can follow a weekly Math Challenge Schedule:
Monday: Review the problems. Pick one problem you would like to do, think about what supplies you will need, and bring any questions you have about the problem to share with Maureen and the class on Tuesday.
Tuesday: Start working on the problem
Wednesday: Continue working and revise your work
Thursday: Hand in your work
Math Facts: Your child should practice math facts every night. They should know their times tables up to 10 as well as they know how to spell their names! If you child already knows their tables up to 10 – then move them up to the 12’s – or see me for other math supplemental homework ideas. If you need help with establishing a way to review math facts at home come see me.
Social Studies: We have our first Social Studies project homework this week. It is to generate excitement about the topics we will study this year, and to get an assessment on what the children already know and wish to learn about. It is designed to be an open-ended and fun project. There are many choices here for your child to choose from. If there is any confusion about the assignment bring your questions in. I also have construction paper, books on our topics and other supplies if you need them.
To help your child get used to a weekly assignment, he or she can follow this weekly Social Studies Project Schedule:
Monday: Review the project. Pick one topic, question, and project you would like to do. Think about what supplies you will need, and bring any questions you have about the project to share with Maureen and the class on Tuesday.
Tuesday: Start working on your project
Wednesday: Continue working on your project
Thursday: Revise and Edit your work
Friday: Hand in your work
Word Work: Each week I will send home a few words to learn. These will be a mix of high frequency spelling words, vocabulary words, and spelling patterns we are studying. We will have a short spelling quiz each Friday. Your child should study these words for a few minutes each night.
Business: Class business this week is returning forms I have handed out and a permission slip for our first field trip to the National Museum of the American Indian (COMING SOON). I will ask your child to write a personal reminder to bring back forms that are missing.
Any questions? I am just an e-mail away –
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