Saturday, September 23, 2006

Field Trip Thanks!

Hi 408,

Just wanted to thank you all for visiting NMAI yesterday. I hope you had fun and learned a lot that you didn't know about Native American life and culture.

The local cable news channel, New York 1 News, did a really fun piece on the museum, featuring the Hoop Dancers you saw and you all look terrific!!!

Check it out at this link.

(If you click on the blue/yellow logo next to the article you can watch the piece with Real Player. Real Player can be downloaded for free at

Thanks again for coming down to visit and be sure to tell all the other 4 graders at PS 261 that we're looking forward to seeing them in December.

Zora's Mom

Also Thank you Trey (Zora's Mom), Aba (Zuri's Mom), and Natasha (Darean's Mom) for joining us!

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